Teaching Portfolio [updated October 2024]
In the last decade, I have been lecturing, giving workshops, and acting as an external examiner at many universities.
In Denmark: Aalborg University, Aarhus University, Copenhagen University, IT University of Copenhagen, and National Film School of Denmark. In Romania: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning), Technical University of Iași (Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning), National University of Theater and Film of Romania. In Hungary: Moholy Nagy University of Art and Design
PhD level:
Robots and Sustainability, PhD course offered by the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology at Aalborg University, coordinated by Elizabeth Jochum. Together with Markus Löchtefeldt gave a lecture called Sustainability in art and design. Together with Timothy Meritt gave a lecture called Digital Fabrication and sustainability for soft robotics. (3ECTS) || 2022
Master level:
Technologies of Experience Design in Media Arts Cultures for MA Media Arts Cultures, 4th semester - Aalborg University joint Erasmus Mundus Master Programme, (5 ECTS) || 2020, 2024
Bachelor level:
o Semester coordinator for 2nd semester Art&Technology with the theme Space, Art&Technology. || 2020 - 2024. The semester focuses on art in public spaces. Some of the projects developed by the students can be found here.
o Interaction Design for Art&Technology for BA Art & Technology 2nd semester - Aalborg University (5 ETCS) || 2021 - 2024 [introduces theories about interaction in relation to the field of art&technology, drawing from the connected fields of HCI and interaction design]
o Concept Design for BA Art&Technology 3rd semester - Aalborg University (5 ETCS) || 2019 - 2023 [the course introduces conceptual art, creativity methods, concept design, theories about critical, speculative design, design fiction etc. Over the years the focus has been on developing conceptual artworks that fit under the theme Dream Machines]
o Market Analysis, from 2022 Music&Innovation for BA Music 6th semester - Aalborg University (5 ECTS) || 2020 - 2024 [market analysis for creative entrepreneurship]
o Digital Representation 1 for BA Art&Technology 2nd semester - Aalborg University, (2 ECTS) || 2019 - 2024 [introduction to 3D modeling and digital fabrication]
o Sketching for BA in Art&Technology, 1st semester - Aalborg University (1 ECTS) || 2020 - 2023 [drawing/sketching in 2D and 3D by hand and with technology]
o Digital Representation 2 for BA Art&Technology 4th semester - Aalborg University (1 ECTS) || 2021 - 2024 [advanced 3D modelling, rendering, rigging and animation]
o Space, Art, and Technology for BA Art&Technology, 2nd semester - Aalborg University, (1 ETCS) || 2020 - 2024 [introduces theories and methods for space and place analysis to be used in informing artistic interventions in public spaces]
Master level:
Master theses:
2025: Embodiment and Relational Aesthetics: Exploring Cultural Dynamics in Rave Spaces, Başak Tüsüz (MA Media Arts Cultures, Aalborg University)
2024: Speculative Media, Art&Design in Experiential Futures: Tools for Catalyzing Socio-ecological Change, Elza Hasani (MA Media Arts Cultures, Aalborg University)
2023: Gender Identity in Video Games: A feminist perspective on video game
character identification, Tanja Andersen, Malou Hedemann Gundersen (MA Interactive Digital Media, Aalborg University);
character identification, Tanja Andersen, Malou Hedemann Gundersen (MA Interactive Digital Media, Aalborg University);
2023: Soft Robots & Artificial Corporealities: Rendering Machines Supple (co-supervised with: Elizabeth Jochum), Andrea Tešanović (MA Media Arts Cultures, Aalborg University);
2022: Speculative hybrids!, (co-supervised with: George Palamas), Panagiota Pouliou (Msc Medialogy, Aalborg University);
Bachelor level:
Supervision of over 40 studio projects for BA Art&Technology 1st, 2nd, 3rd semester projects - Aalborg University [2018 - 2024]
Bachelor theses:
2023: LIM: Expert perspectives on the Limfjord interpreted in a VR art experience, Johanna Møberg Lauritzen, Line Krogh Sommer, Alberte Spork (BA Art&Technology)
2023: Vivian in Cantabria: Art&Technology as an experience, Margot Martínez de Lejarza Armengod (BA Art&Technology)
2022: Lemmings individ, Lizette Grundfeldt; Fearless, Anne-Kathrine Søndergaard Møller
2021: Antivertisments, Stephan Wurtz Fogh Thomsen