Hi // Salut // Hej
Welcome to my portfolio! I'm a researcher investigating the relationships between emerging technologies, including computational design, digital fabrication, AI and bio-technologies, and creative practices, and their place in broader cultural contexts. I use design-based research as a main methodology for inquiry and see myself as a reflective practitioner. I have a background in architecture and worked as an urban planner, architect, and computational designer in Romania and Denmark.
I publish across architecture, media art, and human-computer interaction.
My projects have covered a broad range of scopes and scales - from jewelry and shoes, all the way to urban design and have been exhibited internationally in Romania, Italy, Denmark, and Spain.
Between 2020 and 2024 I served as an assistant professor at Aalborg University with the Research Laboratory for Art and Technology (RELATE), where I am now a guest researcher. Currently, I partenered with 3D printing company Create it REAL ApS as a computational designer developing 3D printed medical devices such as: insoles (especially for diabetic feet), prosthetics, wheelchair seats and medical corsets informed by medical imaging.
Below is a graphical representation of my career so far.

Over the years, I've collaborated with computer scientists, structural, electrical and mechanical engineers, material scientists, urban planners, geographers, sociologists, medical doctors, sculptors, music and performance artists and theorists.
In 2018 I started working with RELATE at Aalborg University, as a postdoctoral researcher and from 2020, I became an assistant professor with the same group.
Before coming to Aalborg University, I spent one year as a computational designer with 3d printing electronics and software company Create it Real in Aalborg (2017-2018). I ended up here with a 6 month Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs scholarship (2017) as the CEO of Genotype - my computational design consultancy.
Between finishing my PhD (2015) and coming to Denmark I worked at Genotype from Cluj, my hometown in Romania, with clients from all over the world, such as Conduit Design, Nestoria, or Ekeart.
Previously I did a Bsc.+Msc. in architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca in Romania (2005-2011). Immediately after I started my PhD called 'Living and Non-Living Natural Models in Computational Architecture' at the same university (2011-2015). I worked under the supervision of architect Mircea Moldovan, structural engineer Ludovic Kopenetz and architectural theorist Dana Vais.
I also spent a year at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonya in Barcelona doing a Master in Advanced Architecture (2012-12013). Our final project was supervised by architect Enric Ruiz Geli from Cloud 9.
Apart from this, I worked as an urban planner / architect in Cluj with architecture and urban planning studiosĀ Pro Atrium and Experiment Proiect for a total of 4 years.