My publications are also listed here:
My research has resulted in publications across three fields: architecture, media art, and human-computer interaction.
Journal articles:
J6 | [Horvath, A.-S., & Pouliou, P.] 2024. AI for Conceptual Architecture: Reflections on designing with text-to-text, text-to-image, and image-to-image generators. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 13(3), 593-612.
J5 | [Horvath, A.-S., Löchtefeld, M., Heinrich, F., & Bemman, B.] 2023. STEAM Matters for Sustainability: 10 years of Art and Technology student research on sustainability through Problem-based Learning. Journal of Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education, 11(2), 1-33.
J4 | [Pouliou, P., Horvath, A. S., & Palamas, G.] (2023). Speculative hybrids: Investigating the generation of conceptual architectural forms through the use of 3D generative adversarial networks. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 21(2), 315-336.
J3 | [Horvath, A.-S.] 2022. How we talk(ed) about it: Ways of speaking about computational architecture. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 20(2), 150-175.
J2 | [Horvath, A.-S.] 2022. ComPara: A Corpus Linguistics in English of Computation in Architecture Dataset. Data in Brief, 42.
J1 | [Horvath, A.-S.] 2014. Desenul de arhitectură computațională. Arhitectura, 649(1), 15-17.
Conference papers:
C8 | [AS. Horvath, D. Raptis]. 2025. How Students in Creative Educations Appropriate Technology: A phenomenological approach [AS. Horvath, D. Raptis] in CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’25), April 26–May 01, Yokohama, Japan. ACM. | acceptance: 25% | (In press)
C7 | [Rühse V., Horvath AS.]. 2024. Fungi Matters: A comparison of mycelium imagery between art, design and architecture. in Politics of the Machine: Lifelikeness and Beyond Proceedings 2024, 22-26 April, Aachen (In press) | acceptance: N/A
C6 | [Pouliou, P., Palamas, G., & Horvath, A.-S.] 2024. Decisions We Should Put in the Algorithm: Mapping architects’ attitudes towards computational and AI-powered tools for practice. In N. Gardner, C. M. Herr, L. Wang, H. Toshiki, & S. A. Khan (Eds.), Accelerated Design - 29th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, (Vol. 3, pp. 49-58). The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA). | acceptance: 26% | | BEST PAPER AWARD
C5 | [Rühse, V., & Horvath, A.-S.] 2023. Visualising Sound Waves: Complex Media Art and Chladni Patterns. In C. Mattos Avolese (Ed.), Motion: Migrations: Proceedings of the 35th World Congress of Art History (pp. 533-550). Vasto Edições, Comité International de l'Histoire de l'Art. | acceptance: N/A |
C4 | [Vite, C., Horvath, A.-S., Neff, G., & Møller, N. L. H.] 2021. Bringing Human-Centredness to Technologies for Buildings: An agenda for linking new types of data to the challenge of sustainability. In A. De Angeli, L. Chittaro, R. Gennari, M. De Marsico, A. Melonio, C. Gena, L. De Russis, & L. D. Spano (Eds.), CHItaly '21: Proceedings of the 14th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (pp. 1-8). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). | acceptance: 45% |
C3 | [Horvath, A.-S., Rühse, V., & Raptis, D.] 2020. SoundSculpt: A Design Framework for 3D Modelling and Digitally Fabricating Sound Patterns. In OzCHI 2020: 32nd Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 572-581). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). | acceptance: 47% |
C2 | [Willemsen, S., Horvath, A.-S., & Nascimben, M.] 2020. DigiDrum: A Haptic-based Virtual Reality Musical Instrument and a Case Study. In S. Spagnol, & A. Valle (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Sound and Music Computing Conference (pp. 292-299). Axea sas/SMC Network. | acceptance: 37% |
C1 | [Horvath, A.-S.] 2014. Assessing Site-Geometry for Architectural Design Using Graph Theory. In C. Chiorean (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference for PhD students in Civil Engineering and Architecture: Building the Community of Young Researchers (pp. 611-619). U.T. Press. | acceptance: N/A |
E1 | [Horvath, A.-S., Beloff, L., Bertel, L. B., Boros, J., Sarahuja, L., Fricker, P., Hamidi, F., Hanczyc, M. M., Jochum, E., Löchtefeld, M., Merritt, T. R., & Vissonova, K.] 2023. Weaving Hybrid Futures: Sustainability in Higher Education with PBL Through Art, Science, and Robotics. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 11(2), I-VII.
Book chapters:
bc3 | [AS. Horvath, P. Pouliou] 2024 Digital Twins in Architecture: An ecology of practices and Understandings. Zhihan Lv (ed.) Handbook of Digital Twins. CRC Press. 10.1201/9781003425724-46
bc2 | [Horvath, A.-S., Jochum, E., Löchtefeld, M., Vissonova, K., & Merritt, T. R.] 2023. Soft Robotics Workshops: Supporting Experiential Learning About Design, Movement, and Sustainability. In B. J. Dunstan, J. T. K. V. Koh, D. Turnbull Tillman, & S. A. Brown (Eds.), Cultural Robotics: Social Robots and Their Emergent Cultural Ecologies (pp. 189-218). Springer.
bc1 | [AS. Horvath, M. Bocan] 2010. Chain (conceptual twin skyscrapers). M. Moldovan, I. Moldovan, S. Moldovan (eds.) Clădiri înalte - Evoluție, implementare / Tall buildings - Evolution, Implementation (pp. 178-179). U.T. Press
Extended abstracts / late-breaking work:
ea7 | [Horvath, A.-S.] 2024. Applying a Science and Technology Studies Lens to Contemporary Architecture with Digital Humanities. In T. Stoppani, G. Themistokleous, & E. Nixon (Eds.), Body Matters: Architectural Humanities Research Association 21st International Conference (pp. 50). Page Bros Group.
ea6 | [Horvath, A.-S.] 2023. Towards critical entanglements of machine learning aesthetics and architecture. In Ș. Țigănaș, S. Borș, A. Pop, & C. Purcar (Eds.), Questions. Building change in architecture: The book of the 10th anniversary edition of the international architecture conference (pp. 487-491). U.T. Press.
ea5 | [Eskildsen, A., & Horvath, A.-S.] 2022. Sonic Coexistence. In C and C 2022 - Proceedings of the 14th Creativity and Cognition 2022 (pp. 660-662). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). | [Horvath, A.-S., Vite, C., Møller, N. L. H., & Neff, G.] 2021. messyBIM: Augmenting a building information model with messy talk to improve a buildings’ design process. In M. Menéndez-Blanco, S. Uğur Yavuz, J. Schubert, D. Fogli, & F. Paternò (Eds.), CHItaly 2021 Joint Proceedings of Interactive Experiences and Doctoral Consortium (Vol. 2892, pp. 7-14). Article 2 CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
ea3 | [Horvath, A.-S., & Rühse, V. ] 2020. The Chladni Wall. In S. Constantine, A. Margherita, & N. Stavroula (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science: HCII 2020 (Vol. 1294, pp. 390-397). Springer.
ea2 | [Horvath, A.-S., & Rühse, V.] 2020. Chladni Patterns Gone 3D: Computational Design and Digital Fabrication Methods for Producing Sound-informed Geometries. In H. Griffin (Ed.), AMPS Proceedings Series: Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media (pp. 316-326). Architecture, Media, Politics, Society.
ea1 | [Horvath, A.-S., & Becus, R.] (2015). Cluj Geoweb. In S. M. Petrisor (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1st International Edition of Cadet Inova for Young Inventors (pp. 221)
Book reviews:
br1 | [Horvath, A.-S., & Rühse, V.] 2023. The Presence of the Absence: sensory aesthetics and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The Senses and Society, 18(1), 66-74.
B1 | [M. Moldovan, AS. Horvath] 2014. Istoria arhitecturii și a artelor integrate în Mesopotamia și Egiptul Antic / The History of Architecture and its Integrated Arts in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, U.T. Press
D2 | [Pouliou, P., Horvath, A., Palamas, G.] 2022. Annotated point clouds of buildings: a segmented dataset of single-family houses. Mendeley Data.
D1 | [Horvath, A.] 2022. ComPara: A Corpus Linguistics Dataset of Computation in Architecture. Mendeley Data.