Sonic Coexistence is an interactive installation developed by Anders Eskildsen and myself. The installation consists of a setup of 4 speakers and a series of 4 sonified objects. Participants are invited to move the objects that would change the sound played in the speakers. When the objects have random orientations, the sound is chaotic, when all the objects are oriented in the same direction, the sound becomes coherent and corresponds to the sound of a space in Venice. In this way, participants can co-construct geo-located Venitian soundscapes.
A detailed description of the concept behind this work can be found here:
Eskildsen, A., & Horvath, A-S. (2022). Sonic Coexistence. In C and C 2022 - Proceedings of the 14th Creativity and Cognition 2022 (pp. 660-662). Association for Computing Machinery.
The project got featured here as well:
Short concept description: By allowing participants to co-construct geolocated
Venetian soundscapes through interactive, sonified
objects, this artwork re-imagines how humans can
coexist in post-pandemic public spaces.
Venetian soundscapes through interactive, sonified
objects, this artwork re-imagines how humans can
coexist in post-pandemic public spaces.
The project was exhibited in June 2022, in Venice, during the exhibition Cities of the Future: Living Together, part of the Creativity&Cognition'22 art exhibition curated by Silvia Casini, Camila Salvaneschi and Vladimir Kolzeev.